Every year, Farms Caxambu and Aracaçu perform renovations, pruning and new plantations, replacing plots and older fields for proper line spacing and adequate plants. The plants that do not allow an appropriate and efficient mechanization as replaced as well. Renewals are based on insightful technical assessments, in terms of plant health and development, as well as productivity expectations. It is important to emphasize that the proper choice of the variety to be planted is essential for the good results of the renewal processes. "For the planting of 2018, the variety Yellow Catuaí 62 was chosen. A cultivar that has shown in our microenvironment, incredible results in sensory analysis (in the cup), great development of branches and a very satisfactory productivity" said Ucha. The whole process is very important for the Farms, as it allows obtaining high and consistent yields for consecutive years, optimizes the cultivation practices in the crop, improves the logistics conditions at harvest and reduces production costs, these factors contribute to the constant improvement of our coffee's quality.
The bloom of coffee plantation is eagerly expected by farmers. The coffee tree which was asleep during the dry winter while its ripe fruits were picked, will wake up in the rain and give its beautiful white flowers. It's the birth of the next crop! In the South of Minas Gerais, where the Caxambu and Aracaçu Farms are located, the flowering usually occurs between September and October, about 10 to 15 days after the first rains, that end the winter drought. There may be variations according to the volume of water and the crop management. In 2018, some coffee plants only bloomed in December on our Farms. "The time of flowering is unique and special for us. Whatever we work and place our hands, energy and effort reveals first in these flowers. It is the plants telling us that everything was worth it, and it is from there that comes the fruits so expected. We have the pleasure and satisfaction to appreciate this beauty and to feel the perfume that inebriates everyone" said Ucha.
The Farms Caxambu to Aracaçu present not only the Coffee flowering that occurs in September and marks the birth of the new crop, but also present several trees that enchant all partners and visitors with their beautiful flowers. There is a large variety of flowers on the Farms, such as orchids, heliconia and yellow ipês, which cheer and adorn the workspace at different times of the year. “We are blessed by nature and granted with the beauty of flowers. We are placed through this wonderment that the Farms present us at all times”, said Ucha. There is a great concern to always maintain harmony and sustainability in the Farm’s workplace, the flowers certainly contribute much to it.
The Global Platform Coffee (GCP) is an international association with over 200 members from all segments of the coffee production chain, working for a sustainable coffee sector, which provides good living conditions for farmers and workers and ensuring their continuity in business, while protecting natural resources. It is currently active in nine countries: Brazil, Colombia, Vietnam, Indonesia, Tanzania, Uganda, Kenya, Honduras and Peru. Farms Caxambu and Aracaçu were chosen by this group for visits in Brazil in order that the crew attended a larger Farm which works with a sustainable technic to grow coffee. On November 11th, after the International Week of Coffee in Belo Horizonte, we received 43 international visitors. The farms received not only members from the nine countries belonging to the GCP, but also visitors from Germany, USA, Australia and Norway. "It was a special day when we hosted the Global Platform group. For us it is a great joy, since in the Farms Caxambu and Aracaçu, they met a Brazilian farm that in fact has been doing important work towards sustainability in our coffee industry, with a production of special coffees and very focused on ecological and environmental commitment", Ucha said. The day included lectures by Eduardo Sampaio, Pedro and Carmen Lucia (Ucha), as well as field visits and great exchange of information between people from different countries focused on global sustainability.
Paco, the lovely Dalmatian dog that is part of the farm’s history, is always remembered with nostalgic air by all who knew him and come back to visit the property. He will always be in the memory and in the hearts of all. “People arriving at farm and soon ask: ‘What about Paco? Where is he?’. He actually told a story in our lives and made part of many experiences in our special coffee production universe" said Ucha. Today, we would like to present our new mascot and guard of our coffee crops: Scotty, who is already great Skank`s friend. Scotty is now one of the Farm's partners and he is with us all times. Who has not met Scotty can already enjoy his features by the photos and be sure to find a great companion.
The agronomic traits are needed for the coffee crop so that culture can express their production potential and profitability. This agronomic practice is conducted in order to ensure maximum protection of the soil and enhance the growth and productivity of coffee plants. At the end of the harvest, the Farms Caxambu and Aracaçu begin this work, which involves intense activities from planting until the next harvest and so the soil will be able to receive the new seedlings and the plants will be able to express their greatest potential. Among the agronomic practices performed, we can mention the following: renewal of crops, “skeletonization” (cutting off all the plagiotropic branches at 20-30 cm from the orthotropic branch), recycling of crop materials such as the return of coffee straw to crops, fertilization with organic manure, weeding and management of weeds. Our Farms always seek to produce high quality and differentiated coffees, for this reason, we invest in sustainable actions to offer the best grains to our customers and partners.